2020 was a year that no one could have ever predicted. And we could not have gotten through it without you. People in our programs face many personal challenges and barriers because of their past. Now COVID-19 has turned their already complex world upside down.
“I was having a hard time finding a job.”
Despite being an experienced painter, that’s what Dylan discovered when he transferred from prison to our residential Work Release Program. We hired Dylan to paint our new REGIONS Juvenile Residential program, allowing him to refresh his skills, and he did a phenomenal job! Our staff decided to recommended Dylan for a job at Painting and Decorating, Inc., an employer willing to offer second chances.
To get to his interview, Dylan took two buses from Hartford to Plainville, then walked the rest of the way. That impressed Jane Carney, owner of Painting and Decorating, Inc.
“I believe everybody needs a helping hand at some time in their lives. Dylan’s determination told me that he would be a good fit.”
Jane Carney, Painting and Decorating, Inc.
Jane even helped Dylan find an apartment after he completed our program.
It’s because of believers like Jane that Community Partners in Action can help thousands of men and women each year remove the many barriers they face when released from prison.

Your support is even more critical this year because of our changing world.
Dylan said, “When the pandemic shut down Painting and Decorating for months, I was at risk of losing my new apartment.” But Jane stood by him and kept him on part-time, so he could keep his home.
Dylan’s and Jane’s story demonstrates that it truly takes organizations like CPA and people like you to work together and make a difference.

Unfortunately, state funding alone can’t help us reach all who need our services. These resources are shrinking just when people with a criminal record really need help.
That’s why we are asking you to make a gift to Community Partners in Action by December 31st. With a donation of as little as $5 per month, you will help us reach many more women and men in need.
You can join us in making an impact by sending your gift today.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Hines
Executive Director