Direct Support Services
We offer essential services to each person participating in our programs.
These services include transitional housing, reentry and resettlement support, workforce development and coaching, as well as partnerships with mental health and addiction services. Through a case management system, services are coordinated and tailored to the unique needs of each of our clients.
For people newly released from prison, reentry can be overwhelming. They face an uphill battle in reconnecting with community and family. We help them address their basic needs and connect to essential services.
Prison is not always the answer.
Working closely with the courts, we provide services that are alternatives to prison so that people can stay in the community.
CPA provides a variety of residential programs and services ranging from transitional housing to residential treatment programs. Our programs support men, women, and male teens.
Through the creative process, learning and growth is achieved. Our engaging programs provide positive enrichment services, including art and music, yoga, dance, pet therapy, and life skills.
Reentry Support
For those newly released from prison, reentry can be overwhelming. Many are without every basic human need: food, shelter, and clothing. They face an uphill battle in finding employment with ‘a record,’ following them, and many are fighting addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness.
CPA provides a comprehensive array of services to address these challenges. We actively work to engage our community partners, collaborating on local, State and Federal levels to create a strong support network for those reentering society.
When we support these individuals, we build a stronger, more empathetic and compassionate community. Through the power of restorative services like these, thousands of Connecticut residents have been able to break the cycle of repeated incarcerations and change their lives for the better.
Work Release Program
For those completing a sentence with a work-release program, Community Partners in Action provides transitional housing, employment assistance, financial education and basic needs support. Working to ensure each individual understands basic banking finances and budgeting, each person in this program is required to pay rent and manage the income received from their work-release employment. Upon completion of the 90 – 120 day program, these people are well prepared to step into the community’s workforce.
Reentry Welcome Center
Our Hartford and Waterbury Reentry Welcome Centers are a hub of support services. People who are newly released from prison can drop in to the center and take part in many different programs. Whether they take part in a 3 month program or find assistance for more than a year, our Reentry Welcome Centers provide a critical link between people newly released from prison and the support services they need to successfully transition back into the community.

We provide intensive pre-release and post-release case management at our Welcome Centers. By providing a strong continuity of care for people who are reentering the community, we are able to ensure access to vital behavioral health, job readiness, educational support, and family reunification services.

Research has shown that communities who support individuals upon reentry actually realize long term cost-savings by reducing recidivism rates, and overall may also contribute to reducing incarceration costs for the State of Connecticut. We’re proud to be at the forefront of this movement.
Prison is not always the answer.
Community Service
CPA coordinates community service projects for people who have committed an offense who are required to complete service hours. We guide these individuals through the application process and help them find a meaningful project within the community. This provides an important service both to the community and to the individual, as they come to better understand their role as a community member.
We also provide or help coordinate specialized services for boys ages 14 -18, women, and those needing substance abuse treatment. CPA has helped thousands of individuals complete their assigned program and subsequently have their court case dismissed.
Transitional Housing
Transitional housing is a basic need that CPA provides for people who are in want of housing when they are first released from prison, for those who are completing a work-release sentence, or for those who are simply in need of housing while they have a case pending in court. Providing shelter, personal items and meals, CPA’s staff and partners work intensively to help these individuals to educate and redirect their behavior, working towards establishing stability and independence in their lives.
Specialized Services for At-Risk Groups
Our community is always in action: Day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year. Every day we take steps with our partners to help people create better lives. As they succeed, we succeed.
Resettlement Program
Working closely with intervention specialists and our collaborating partners, Community Partners in Action provides a Resettlement Program that offers transitional housing, basic needs, reunification services, and Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) treatment to women.
Starting up to 6 months prior to their prison release, these women take part in intensive counseling to prepare them for the transition to post-release life. CPA provides the connection between the individual and the network of services needed to ensure the healthiest and best outcome.
Mart’s House
Mart’s House is a warm, inviting 6-bedroom home in Manchester, CT, that is provided as transitional housing to support stable, sober living for women as they transition from a prison/shelter to their own apartment. Open since 2008, Mart’s House has a full kitchen, a comfortable living room, a large front porch, and a backyard. Each woman has her own bedroom and works with other residents to keep the house clean. The comfort and safety of a stable living environments helps these women as they work towards establishing sober and drug free lives.
Program for Boys
With this program, Community Partners in Action provides up to six months of residential treatment for boys ages 14 to 18. We provide individualized services for each young man, including clinical evaluation and treatment, educational services, vocational training, and recreational services.
Due to their youth, we work intensively with these young men to help treat addiction, educate them in family relations, and promote healthy interactions of all kinds. Our goal is to help these young men redirect their energies into positive directions, giving them the tools they need to succeed.
CPA also works closely with the families of these young men for the best outcome for each individual.
Substance Abuse Relapse Prevention
In a collaboration with InterCommunity Health Care, CPA offers a Reentry Treatment Program for individuals who are struggling with addiction and substance abuse. The intensive program offers both pre-release and post-release services so that the individual has a secure continuity of care. Treatment often begins prior to release, and with the help of program coordinators, immediate enrollment in a residential treatment program or sober house at InterCommunity Health is begun within 48 hours of the individual’s release.