Community Service
Having an impact
The completed projects assist many communities through partnerships with the Cities of Hartford and West Hartford, State agencies, faith-based organizations, food pantries, shelters, parks and farms, healthcare providers, and nonprofit organizations.

Signature Projects
Community Gardens
The Justice Garden, installed adjacent to Hartford Community Court, contains vegetable markers displaying themes of “Hope, Love, Voice, Neutral, Equality, and Fairness.” These words express the years of positive experiences by those enjoying the gardens.

Clothes closet
The Clothes Closet provides quick access to clothes, undergarments, shoes, and winter coats for CPA participants, people coming to the court seeking assistance, Hartford area shelters, and others in need of help. Organizing and distributing the clothes also provides a meaningful community service project for Community Court participants. The Clothes Closet thrives because of the hundreds of in-kind donations from individuals, churches, businesses, and community groups, as well as CPA staff and Community Court’s employees, lawyers, and judges. The program welcomes donations of new and gently used items for adult men and women of all sizes. New socks, new undergarments, and footwear, as well as winter coats and larger size clothes are especially needed.
Care packages
Care packages are distributed to neighbors experiencing homeless and others in need. Community Service participants compile and distribute the packages, which are filled with items donated to the program to address a person’s immediate basic needs. Items in a care package include socks, gloves and hats, snacks, hand sanitizers, masks, toiletries, hand and foot warmers, antibacterial hand wipes, disposable washcloths, emergency thermal blankets, and more.
Learn how you can provide in-kind donations to Community Court