Impact Blog

Making Second Chances Possible

Making Second Chances Possible

With more than three quarters of men and women in Connecticut prisons diagnosed with moderate to extremely serious substance use disorders, Executive Director Beth Hines and Program Operations Director Sue Gunderman carried a message of compassion for formerly...

Blazing a Trail in Youth Justice

Blazing a Trail in Youth Justice

The minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) has been debated in Connecticut and elsewhere, as youth justice advocates continue to discuss raising the minimum age of juvenile court jurisdiction and providing more community-based diversion treatment centers that...

Closing the Housing Gap

Closing the Housing Gap

Jason Rinaldi, Western Connecticut Manager for the Housing Collective, landlords, investors, and community leaders gathered in the basement of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception Church in Waterbury to enjoy breakfast and discuss the ever-widening gap between...

Stand With Us In Our Initiatives For Restorative Justice